TILA/RESPA Dynamic Document Solution

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Carleton has solutions to meet the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) mandated disclosure requirements for generating disclosure documents within your loan origination system (LOS). The Integrated Disclosure rule requirements are part of the Truth in Lending Act (TILA) and Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) that go into effect August 1, 2015. With the CFPB's recent mandates, the need for compliant dynamically generated disclosure documents are required with real estate secured closed loans. Let Carleton's CarletonDocs® handle dynamically generating the TILA/RESPA disclosure documents based on the individual characteristics of each real estate loan.

How It Works

Carleton's CarletonDocs® and CarletonCalcs® work together to bring a simple solution to meet the new TILA/RESPA regulatory requirements. Carleton's solution dynamically generates the disclosure documents based on the individual characteristics of each real estate loan. CarletonDocs® ensures all required text, formats, and data fields are composed and alphabetically sorted to meet the formatting requirements prescribed TILA/RESPA regulations. Security and version control are built within CarletonDocs® to ensure accurate generation of compliant disclosure documents.

With minimum software changes required by the LOS, Carleton's solution can easily be integrated and used to produce compliant disclosure documents. The generated PDF disclosure documents can than be merged with all the other lending documents generated by the existing document generation services used within the LOS.

If needed, CarletonCalcs® can provide the additional loan calculations necessary to complete the regulatory prescribed disclosure documents.

Deployment options include:

  • Client Hosted .Net DLL
  • Client Hosted .Net Web Service
  • Carleton Hosted Web Service

Benefits for LOS

  • Meets TILA/RESPA disclosure requirements for all your lending clients. CarletonDocs® will always compose the correct disclosure documents using the individual characteristics of each individual loan.
  • Minimum software changes required to integrate CarletonDocs®.
  • No disruption to your current document generation service.
  • Carleton's experienced staff will work with the LOS technical staff on a certification process to ensure that the disclosure documents are generating accurately through their LOS.
  • Long term solution for supporting dynamic document requirements required by regulators and lenders.
  • Superior solution to using static disclosure document solutions which can be compliantly problematic when lender changes loan characteristics.