About Carleton

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Leading with Experience

Our client relationships include most of the major lenders, credit insurance companies, and loan origination software providers in the United States. We leverage that extensive expertise to enable our customers to achieve growth and success within regulatory mandates and rules. Furthermore, our regulatory knowledge is the foundation to offer lenders our computational audit services.

Leading with Experience

Proven 3rd Party Software Partnerships

Carleton is serious about taking responsibility to meet third-party software service provider requirements on behalf of financial institutions. Carleton has exceeded vendor compliance standards for some of the largest lending institutions in the United States including the necessary insurance protection to meet the risk management requirements.

For security-conscious financial / lending organizations, SOC2 compliance is an expected requirement for any of their SaaS partners. Carleton has had successful ongoing SOC2 audits related to its security, systems availability, confidentiality processes, and use of redundant ISP data centers that house its internet applications and web services.

The combination of Carleton's security practices and SOC2 audits provides their clients long-term "peace of mind" that they have a reliable third-party partner for lending calculation and document delivery support.